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Creando Muñecas Quitapena - Creating Quitapena Dolls

Welcome back to my blog. This post is for the Action Project of my Spanish class. In this class, we have been learning vocabulary for food, clothing, and more. We have also studied more descriptive words and conjugations such as present progressive tense and preterit tense. For this Action Project, we have to create quitapena dolls or worry dolls. Quitapena dolls originated in Guatemala. The intended purpose of them is for people to tell their worries to the doll and place it under their pillow that night. By morning the dolls have gifted them with the wisdom and knowledge to eliminate their worries. In this AP, I have made my original sketch of the doll and the finished version from what I made. In Spanish, I also talked about my quitapena doll. I hope you enjoy reading.

Sketch, GS, 2022

Finished Doll, GS, 2022

Mi muñeca quitapena lleva una bolsa de papel marrón en la cabeza a modo de máscara que trata de ocultar la culpa que alberga por sus errores. La bolsa está hecha de tela de lino marrón. También lleva una capa verde oscura. La muñeca de preocupación está destinada a que se le informe de las preocupaciones de su usuario para que pueda regalarle el conocimiento y la capacidad de eliminar sus preocupaciones. Cuando pensé en el muñeco que quería hacer, descubrí que le iba a contar mis errores estuvo que me diera los conocimientos para aprender de mis errores y ser mejor. Yo aprendo a hacer ropa mejor para mi muñeca. Después de hacer mi primera muñeca, decido hacer otra.

I hope you enjoyed reading about my quitapena doll. I thought this Action Project was pretty fun and it went by quick. I am happy with how my doll turned out and next time I would create something similar but with different materials and colors. Making the doll wasn't too difficult so it would be easy to try it yourself. I used the fabrics I had available for the clothing and to make the body, I used pipe cleaners. Maybe this inspired you to make your own quitapena doll and see if the legend works for you. Thank you for reading and I hope to see you in the next post.


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