Welcome back to my blog! This post is for the second Action Project of the Humanities class, Endurance. In this unit, Apothesis, we started to think about our futures and contemplate where we would go from here. As the end of the school year nears the end, everyone is preparing to step into the next chapter of their life. We continued to look at how other influential figures have endured and their journeys over their lives. We also examined the difference between endurance by force and choice and the skills required in each situation after a Field Experience at Bender's Martial Arts. While we were there, we engaged in a fitness boot camp that tested our physical and mental limits. For this Action Project, we were tasked with creating a survival guide that could serve as a map for our futures. The survival guide focuses on our dream or mission and what we will need to fulfill that mission as we grow up. I hope you enjoy reading about my plan for the future.
I hope you enjoyed reading my survival guide. Initially, I was reluctant to work on this AP since I do not enjoy talking about myself, so I found it challenging to get started. Eventually, I warmed up to the project and produced what you had just read. I enjoyed designing each page and working to make the guide fit my mission. It is essential to have a dream to work toward, and if you plan to make the dream possible, you'll be more inclined to stick to it. The work I want to do as a civil engineer to help communities is important to me, and volunteering my skills in places where people need it is even more important. I hope to reach my goals and apply what I have learned to benefit communities worldwide. Thank you for reading.
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