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How To Make A Dreamcatcher

This is the second and final Action Project in the units of the Who Am I class in the Humanities Course. This unit was called Doubt and Dream. For a decent amount of this unit we talked a lot about our dreams and what they mean. We talked more about philosophy and psychology like Continental Rationalists or British Empiricists and the Freudian analysis. There were a few Field Experiences that we embarked on such as the Continuum Center, The Art Institute, and also Cheetah Gym where we learned about the philosophy of jujitsu. This final action project was about making a dreamcatcher and explaining what it symbolizes and what it means to us. Everyone's dreamcatcher was different because it is made to represent you and everyone is different. The materials we used for the dreamcatchers were lace, string, wires, and beads. My dreamcatcher and everything about it is below.

GHS, 2020

The center of my dream catcher symbolizes remembrance and acceptance of death. We all know that we are going to die someday and we need to remember that we are not invincible. Sometimes we do not want to accept that fact that we will die even though it is inevitable. The phrase for this is Memento Mori and that is a great symbol that represents us as a mortal person. There are many positive elements that I would like to pass through the dream catcher. In a dream catcher the string or web in the inside can represent emotions and your personality. These emotions are courage, bravery, acceptance, happiness, creativity, optimism, balance, strength, and curiosity. I chose these because they are all pieces of my identity that I would like to gain or advance. Your identity is a key part of who you are and your traits can help you find who you are. I would like my dream catcher to filter out negative elements such as fears and pains. Some fears that would be good to be filtered out are the fear of death and loss. Having these negative elements exist in your dreams may not be pleasant and you might not want to have them exist in your dreams all the time. Most of my dreams include death and loss and I think they are there because it is how I begin to face the fears. If these fears are taken out of my dreams I might lose the ability or not be able to learn to face those fears that I have. That also ties into the memento mori idea because accepting death is a way to face that fear.

When planning and designing the dreamcatcher my id was telling me to only use my instincts. These instincts were to have the fears be filtered out of my dreams and eliminated the next day. My superego was trying to tell me to think about how I really feel. Maybe the fears that appear in my dreams are there for me to face the fears and learn from them instead of being afraid. John Locke was an empiricist who wanted to know many things. One of these was the question of where we get our ideas from. Through this he formed the primary and secondary qualities. The primary qualities are the size or weight of something since they are what is lying on the objects themselves. The secondary qualities are like color or taste because they vary from person to person. Not everyone will think a certain object has the same taste like a lemon. Some people may find the lemon sour and others may think of the lemon as sweet. I believe the primary qualities in a dream are what we originally see but there is something more to it like what we may have heard or what was going on in the background that wasn’t our main focus.

René Descartes had the idea that there is a constant interaction between the mind and the body. I believe my mind and body interact when I am asleep because if I have a dream where I get physically hurt, I might feel it when I wake up. This could be the way our minds are interacting with our bodies. Even if we do not feel pain, most people move around while they sleep and that is an interaction. A lesson I learned when talking about a dream I had with my cousin was to try and help everyone you can. This can be very important in the real world because someone might need help and if I can help them I should.

Overall, I thought this action project was a fun one because it was cool to build the dreamcatchers and also share some of our experiences in dreams with others. I hope that this may encourage some people to think about their dreams and try to understand what they are seeing and how they interact within the dream. I think that people can benefit from this if they know how to analyze and interpret their dreams.


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