Welcome back to my blog. This post is for the second Action Project of the Humanities class, Journalism. In Unit 2, Image, we have been focusing on learning about photojournalism, practicing the skills of photography, and the critical thinking behind the images that shape the way we see the world every day. We examined the job of a photojournalist and what it meant to be objective versus subjective and the power behind certain images. Skills such as knowing how to adjust shutter speed, aperture, contrast, and using the rule of thirds are important for photography which we covered as well. For Field Experiences, we met with a photojournalist and visited the Museum of Contemporary Photography in Chicago. This Action Project asks us to find someone to interview and take a photograph of, all aligning with the question: "What is the meaning of life?" I have chosen to interview a neighbor of mine, Kevin Sur, who you will get to know more about in the following paragraphs. Below you...