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Showing posts from May, 2022

The James R. Thompson Center: Solutions for Energy Production and Consumption

Welcome back to my blog. This post is for the second Action Project of the STEAM class, Urban Planning. In this second unit, Power, we have been studying all things electricity. We started by looking at how batteries work in our phones and then onto Nikola Tesla with his Alternating Current and Thomas Edison and his Direct Current. These two current systems have played an important role in how energy is transferred through electronic devices and across large distances. Using this research, we investigated static electricity, current electricity, and magnetism to understand how electricity works. We also worked with circuits to see how electricity would flow and provide light. For math, we studied Coulomb's Law compared to Newton's Universal Law of Gravitation, Ohm's Law, and equations using the Power formula. We finished up the unit by looking at light pollution which is a problem in Chicago and then smart grids like the one in Denmark. For this AP, we have been asked to ch...

Justifying Wars: How Our Actions In and Out of the Country Affect War Policies

Welcome back to my blog. This post is for the second Action Project of the Humanities class, Policy. In this unit, Execute, we have been focusing on the Executive Branch of the United States Government. We started by examining Article II of the Constitution, Executive Office Cabinet Positions, and Executive Orders. After the introduction to the Executive Branch, we moved into looking at war policies and the actions our executive leaders have the power to enforce. First, we studied President Truman's actions during the Korean War and later the Cold War. We also spent time on the Vietnam War and reading from The Things They Carried by Tim O'Brien. For this Action Project, we have been asked to look deeper into a war the United States was involved in and if the war was justified or not. To help with the justification, we would examine a policy that was enacted during the war and see how its application affected the people. The war I chose for this AP was World War II because I hav...

Creando Muñecas Quitapena - Creating Quitapena Dolls

Welcome back to my blog. This post is for the Action Project of my Spanish class. In this class, we have been learning vocabulary for food, clothing, and more. We have also studied more descriptive words and conjugations such as present progressive tense and preterit tense. For this Action Project, we have to create quitapena dolls or worry dolls. Quitapena dolls originated in Guatemala. The intended purpose of them is for people to tell their worries to the doll and place it under their pillow that night. By morning the dolls have gifted them with the wisdom and knowledge to eliminate their worries. In this AP, I have made my original sketch of the doll and the finished version from what I made. In Spanish, I also talked about my quitapena doll. I hope you enjoy reading. Sketch , GS, 2022 Finished Doll , GS, 2022 Mi muñeca quitapena lleva una bolsa de papel marrón en la cabeza a modo de máscara que trata de ocultar la culpa que alberga por sus errores. La bolsa está hecha de tela de l...