Welcome back to my blog. This post is for the first Action Project of the STEAM class, Light, Sound, and Time. For the first unit, Light, we started by questioning what would our life look like without light. We then learned how light can act like a particle and a wave, how light equals energy, and about the electromagnetic spectrum. This unit helped us understand the importance of light in our lives and all of its uses. We also learned about the human eye and how it takes in light to create an image in our heads. Color was a big part of this unit because it is a very small part of the electromagnetic spectrum humans can actually see. This part of the spectrum is called the visible light spectrum. We used trigonometry to solve problems of waves, the unit circle, and similar triangles. For this Action Project, we were asked to create a pinhole camera and use it to capture an image. My pinhole camera is made from a cardboard box and a lens made out of a soda can. I hope you enjoy reading...