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Showing posts from April, 2020

Designing My Own Garden

Welcome back to my blog. This is the second Action Project of the Spring Term at GCE Lab School  so far but the first in my Food class for the STEAM course. Like the AP before this for the Food For Thought class, this was all done at home due to the global pandemic. This first unit was very interesting. Not only was it a new experience by not working in the classroom but we were learning from a new perspective. In this unit we talked a lot about agriculture and natural farming. We read a lot of One Straw Revolution by Masanobu Fukuoka. We talked about companion planting and what plants work well together and their symbiosis. We also learned how to test soil using a soil solution and macronutrient test kits. This AP was about making our own container garden. We had to create a design of a garden that we would use if we had more space and resources also utilizing what we learned about companion plants. With my small garden space I planted a handful of the seeds that were mailed to us...

The Life of Ginger

Welcome back to my blog! This is a very different experience for all of GCE since we are all writing our first action project of the term from home. In fact, everything about our action project was done at home including the classwork, tests, assignments, and mini projects. Currently we are all facing a global pandemic which means self quarantining and away from our friends. Through this we have continued to learn and go on with our average school day. This spring term is all about food and this class is called Food For Thought in the Humanities course. The point of this first action project was to create a story of our life if we were a food ingredient that we chose which was from a dish that means a lot to us. The ingredient that I chose for this AP was ginger. One of our assignments before the AP was to interview someone in our family that knew a lot about our family's culture and history with food. I decided to talk with my aunt and we discussed one of our family traditions whi...