Welcome back to my blog! This post is for the second Action Project of the STEAM class, Econ: Risking Value. In this second unit, Sustainability, we discussed thinking like a 21st-century economist. To help us with this investigation, we read Doughnut Economics by Kate Raworth. Raworth's book explains a new economic model, the Doughnut, focused on providing for every person's needs while safeguarding the living world on which we all depend. Using Doughnut Economics , we dove into each of the chapters and explored different ways of moving past the 20th-century economic model toward the 21st century. To gather different economic ideas throughout history, we created a timeline of influential economists starting with Hammurabi in the 1700s BCE to modern economists like Milton Friedman in the 20th century. For Field Experiences, we spoke with Pete Kadens, a philanthropist focused on providing education for underserved Chicagoans and looking toward a more sustainable future. This Ac...