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Showing posts from March, 2021

The Censorship of 1984

Welcome back to my blog. This post is for the second Action Project in the Humanities class, Forbidden Books. In this class we have been discussing how books can become banned or censored. A few large reasons that may cause a book to be banned is challenging religion, politics, and diversity. Books can also be banned for having violent or graphic scenes, age-appropriate language, and the negative setting of the book. In this unit we read the novel, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian which is another book that has been banned. This book has many passages that can be deemed controversial. The book does contain some language that may cause parents to forbid their children from reading it. After having read the book for the first time in eighth grade, I didn't think it was too bad for someone my age to be reading it which made me question why it was banned in this class. For this Action Project we were asked to choose a book that had been banned or censored at some time an...

Simulating Alzheimer's Disease

Welcome back to my blog. This is for the second Action Project for the STEAM class, Disease. In this class we have been learning about various mental disorders such as autism and OCD. Many disorders have causes that still are not fully known and some diseases do not have treatments. Some diseases are fatal and can be difficult to stop. We have also been looking at the different brain waves that are active during parts of the day. These brain wave patterns could be graphed and calculated with their slope ton find the dominant brain wave at different intervals. To learn more about how people can be diagnosed with certain mental disorders by meeting specific criteria we explored the DSM-5. The DSM-5 is a large manual that explains many mental disorders for the use of medical professionals. In this Action Project I chose to research and do a simulation for Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's is a slow progressing disease that starts with memory loss and gradually leading to the comple...